Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Great Week at Camp

We had a great time at Camp Raven's Knob. Over the course of the week I was able to earn my BSA Lifeguard certification - I am reminded why most lifeguards are in their late teens and early 20's. Working at the swimming area was a lot of fun, I was able to see many of the Troop members when they came for open swim and also was able to help several scouts earn their swimming merit badge.

There was a lot of walking, our camp site was the farthest out of any and we estimated our troop members were averaging 10 miles a day.

On the last night the troop cooked pizza in the dutch oven, we used the recipe that David and I worked out last March we found the cooking time was about half (8-10 minutes) in the dutch oven compared to using a camp stove.

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